AMD ryzen 1st edition

Crashing stuff??

	"build_name":"T8_S ",
	"build_time":"Mon Jan 14 10:20:44 2019",
	"error_message":"0xe4bd8598,0xe4bd8598,An error occurred: Zed 989 Blazing Bridge",
	"hw_cpu_name":"AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor            ",

We share code!

Learning more coding

So must try this new format function that I just learned about... I understand that this is utalizing some cool CSS-code only!

public static void Main()

We share code!

Php Hello World

My Hello World is like this
<?php print("I pwn n00bs!"?>

We share code!

Bounty.Express - c0de repository made easy.